The city of Gaeta is dedicated to the Madonna as a consequence of the Papal proclamation by Pope Pius IX who was inspired by the painting of the Madonna in the city’s Cappella di Oro. There are numerous other beautiful churches filled with wondrous works of art.
One of its most spectacular sites is the Sanctuary of the Montagna Spaccata (Splitted Mountain). It was constructed in the fissure of a massive rock that legend claims was split open at the death of the crucified Christ.
Sacred sites like this were very important for the Spanish subjects during the Bourbon reign and for centuries were the objects of religious devotion.
From Gaeta it is easy to reach other famous religious sites such as the sanctuary of the Madonna of the City of Itri, the Abby of Monte Cassino, the Abby of Fossanova and the Abby of Valvisciolo.